Hi! I’m phasewalk1, a privacy-tech enthusiast, open-source advocate, and aspiring cryptographer. I write software and am currently studying Pure Mathematics at the University of California, Berkeley.

I’m working to become a more active open-source contributor across a variety of domains, including cryptographic libraries, privacy-enhancing tech, and censorship-resistant distributed systems. I’m particularly interested in Penumbra, an interchain shielded pool and decentralized exchange for the IBC-enabled ecosystem.

About this Website

This website serves as a place to share my thoughts, projects, and experiences. It’s built with love (and quartz).

Things to Check Out

  • Projects: An overview of the various projects I’m working on and contributing to.
  • Specification Hangar: A place to document and explore the technical specifications of various projects and protocols.
  • Letter Desk: A collection of writings, thoughts, and musings.