• Monomer: A framework for deploying Cosmos SDK applications as Layer 2s on Ethereum, powered by the OP Stack. Monomer sits between the OP Stack consensus layer and a Cosmos SDK application, translating the OP node’s Engine API requests to ABCI requests. From the OP Stack’s perspective, Monomer replaces the default Etheruem compatible execution engine. From the Cosmos application’s perspective, Monomer replaces the CometBFT consensus layer.

    • As part of my internship at Nethermind I’ve worked across the stack, beginning with small maintenance tasks and gradually worked my way up to shipping milestone features such as the Cosmos SDK integration. I’m currently working on developing a standard for Gas Metering, which involves the challenge of translating the gas limit between the Engine API’s payload attributes and the layer 2 application’s gas metering system.
  • Penumbra: A privacy-perserving network and interchain shielded pool for the Cosmos ecosystem and beyond. It boasts several standout features including a native decentralized exchange (DEX), private staking and governance, and ultralight client software. Read my post about Penumbra here!